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Scheduled Maintenance: Migration of Company E-mail

09 November 2022 at 11:00 UTC

Support via Email

Resolved after 3h 0m 09 November 2022 at 14:00 UTC

We are migrating our E-mail infrastructure and have taken the decision to do this work during the day to keep our services as online as possible.

Emails to and from Dogsbody Technology may be delayed during this time. No e-mail will be lost.

We will continue to monitor systems and do not rely on e-mail to be notified of issues.

Starting (09 Nov at 11:03 UTC) We are starting this work now.

Complete (09 Nov at 14:00 UTC) This migration is complete and e-mail is now flowing normally again. Theer may still be e-mail held on servers we don’t control which will come in over the next 2 hours

Resolved (09 Nov at 16:00 UTC) We are happy that the backlog of e-mails have been processed and everything is working as expected.

Last updated: 18 June 2024 at 21:12 +0100